Mental Health Treatment

Bipolar Treatment In Chattanooga, TN

Learn more about our bipolar treatment in Chattanooga, TN, and find out how we can help you or your loved one overcome bipolar disorder.

therapy for bipolar disorder in Chattanooga, TN
Time Wellness Center

Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Tennessee

Bipolar disorder can be challenging but there is hope for recovery.

At Time Wellness Centers, we offer individualized bipolar treatment in Chattanooga, TN. Our whole-person approach helps empower people to determine their goals and achieve a prosperous future while learning how to manage their condition. We provide a holistic program using evidence-based treatments to help people with bipolar disorder. 

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that can cause extreme emotional highs and lows that affect about one percent of teenagers and about one in forty adults. People with bipolar experience moods ranging from periods of unusually high energy followed by extraordinarily low and depressed periods. 

These different “phases” are manic or hypomanic episodes, depressive episodes, or mixed states. During the mania phase, people may feel euphoric, overconfident, and very energetic, whereas, during the depressive phase, they may feel sad, hopeless, and struggle with fatigue.

The 5 Types of Bipolar Disorders

1. Bipolar I Disorder

This type of bipolar disorder is characterized by manic episodes that are more severe and last longer than in other types of bipolar disorder, along with periods of major depression. 

2. Bipolar II Disorder

Unlike Bipolar I, this type does not involve full-blown manic episodes but rather hypomanic symptoms, ranging from increased energy and euphoria to high irritability or hostility. It also includes periods of major depression lasting at least two weeks or longer. 

3. Cyclothymic Disorder

Characterized by numerous periods of brief hypomania followed swiftly by prolonged depressive phases without any distinct breaks between them. People struggling with this condition usually present moderate mood elevation, yet avoidance toward seeking treatment

4. Mixed

This type is characterized by an extended period of depression and mania simultaneously, accompanied by feelings of intense anxiety and irritability. 

5. Rapid-Cycling

Rapid cycling is a form of bipolar disorder in which a person experiences four or more episodes within a year. This can include both manic and depressive episodes occurring back-to-back with little to no “happy” period between them.

person with bipolar disorder
Mental Health Disorders

Signs Somone Needs Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Our bipolar treatment in Chattanooga helps clients manage their symptoms and recover from their disorder.

Behavioral and physical signs often indicate someone could have bipolar disorder. Recognizing these signs can help people determine if they could benefit from bipolar disorder treatment at Time Wellness Center.

Behavioral Symptoms
  • Heightened Risk-Taking: Increased risk-taking, such as reckless spending, unsafe sex, or drug misuse, may be signs of mania. 
  • Agitation and Irritability: Quick outbursts of anger or extreme irritability can signal a manic episode. 
  • Poor Concentration: Disorganized thinking and difficulty concentrating can indicate an underlying bipolar disorder issue. 
  • Low Self-Esteem and Self-Harm Thoughts: Uncommonly low self-esteem and thoughts of harming oneself are very serious symptoms that require immediate attention for someone experiencing bipolar disorder. 
  • Loss Of Interest In Hobbies and Activities: A decreased interest or participation in activities that previously gave someone pleasure is another sign that it’s time to get help from a healthcare provider
  • Impulsive Behavior: Acting without thinking or making snap decisions could be another sign of mania. 
  • Treatment Resistance: Refusing to seek help or taking steps recommended by a healthcare provider is another sign that someone might need treatment.
Physical Symptoms
  • Sleep Pattern Changes: Not getting enough sleep, excessive sleeping, experiencing insomnia, and staying up in the middle of the night is often a symptom people notice when they have bipolar disorder but don’t recognize it as bipolar disorder. 
  • Weight Fluctuations: When someone has a manic episode, weight loss is common because they forget to eat. Conversely, when someone is having a depressive episode, they might find comfort in food and gain weight. 
  • Unexplained Physical Pain: Chronic physical pain that lacks explanation can indicate bipolar disorder as the underlying disorder, requiring further examination by a healthcare professional to make an accurate diagnosis. 
  • Irregular Eating Habits: Changes in eating patterns like skipping meals, overeating, or binge eating during manic or depressive phases are common physical signs of bipolar symptoms
  • Fatigue: Experiencing persistent fatigue even after plenty of sleep can signal that a manic episode has ended. 
  • Impaired Cognitive Function: The mood swings of bipolar can negatively affect thinking ability, focus, and concentration. Problems retaining information, problems recalling facts, and difficulty formulating thoughts can be expected in a depressed or manic phase.
  • Excessive Sweating: It’s common to sweat more than usual when experiencing anxiety or mania, 
  • Nausea/Gastrointestinal Issues: Stomach discomfort and nausea may be signs of bipolar disorder.
bipolar group therapy in Chattanooga, TN
Time Wellness Treatment

Our Options for Bipolar Treatment in Chattanooga, TN

We offer holistic as well as traditional therapy during our person-centered bipolar treatment program.

At Time Wellness, we of personalized bipolar treatment in Chattanooga, TN, using a holistic approach and evidence-based therapies. We work with our clients to ensure they develop a treatment program that best suits their needs and helps them take control of their condition.

The following are some different treatment options we offer for bipolar disorder:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a type of therapy intensely focused on helping people learn to identify, challenge and replace unhelpful or inaccurate thoughts and beliefs, which can lead to unhealthy behavior. 

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

DBT addresses the ineffectiveness of emotion regulation skills causing distress or instability in individuals with bipolar disorder through various skill-building exercises such as interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and acceptance. 

Medication Management

Medication management includes regularly evaluating how well one’s medication regimen is working. This also includes learning the skills needed to take medication regularly and understanding how medications help.

Family Therapy

Family therapists help support family members so that they understand their loved one’s mental illness better and provide them with an environment where open communication between family members is encouraged. 

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy uses LED lights at different wavelengths to directly improve brain function by speeding up serotonin production within specific areas of the brain – increasing overall positive outlook towards life while simultaneously helping mitigate any negative aspects related directly to bipolar disorder. 

Yoga & Mindfulness

This form of treatment involves yoga poses that focus more on deep breathing, mindfulness techniques, guided imagery, and relaxation strategies allowing body and mind relaxation while also helping reduce symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. 

Art Therapy

It provides individuals an outlet for releasing emotions that they may not be able to put into words and aids them in better understanding themselves better, and helps build creative coping abilities for healthy mental functioning.

Music Therapy

Music therapy takes advantage of the emotional connection that one forms when listening to music by helping identify emotions, giving mental relief, and promoting self-awareness. It is often used to help alleviate symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. 

concept of bipolar disorder mood changes
Healing From Bipolar Disorder Begins Here

Caring and Compassionate Bipolar Treatment in Chattanooga, TN

Our team is here to help clients recover from bipolar disorder and other mental health disorders.

If you or someone you love suffers from bipolar disorder in Chattanooga, TN, Time Wellness and our experienced mental health specialists provide caring and compassionate support with our personalized treatment options.

Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation to discover how you can live a productive and fulfilling life. 

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