Intensive Outpatient Program In Atlanta, GA

Time Wellness Atlanta offers a high-quality intensive outpatient program treating mental health conditions on a flexible outpatient basis.
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group therapy during intensive outpatient program in Atlanta
Mental Health IOP in Atlanta

Intensive Outpatient Program in Atlanta

The lack of available mental health treatment centers is becoming a serious issue in America.

Millions of Americans deal with some form of mental illness on a daily basis, and millions more are likely undiagnosed. Time Wellness Centers offers mental health treatment at the intensive outpatient level in Atlanta, Georgia.

Contact us today to learn more about our intensive outpatient program (IOP).

clients meet during intensive outpatient group therapy in Atlanta

What is an IOP for Mental Health?

An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is a program that usually consists of both individual and group therapy. It’s also typically an outpatient process, meaning you will not be admitted to an inpatient facility during this time.

IOPs are relatively short-term programs with limited commitments required by the patient and the therapist or counselor involved in their care. This makes them ideal for those who need help but aren’t ready or able to make long-term changes, or even if they’re already progressing with another treatment plan.

A mental health IOP typically provides a minimum of nine hours of services each week, often spread across three to five days, with three-hour sessions each day. These services are provided in outpatient settings, so treatment usually lasts longer than in a residential program.

Time Wellness Centers’ mental health IOP in Atlanta allows clients to live at home and be with their families while receiving professional and intensive care for their mental health symptoms. This reduces the cost of care and lets you recover in a more familiar setting.

IOPs can be the ideal treatment approach for those with moderate to severe symptoms yet who may be unable to leave home for an extended period of time due to responsibilities at work or home.

The Intensive Outpatient Program at Time Wellness Atlanta

What to Expect at Our Mental Health IOP in Atlanta, Georgia

A comprehensive intensive outpatient program is designed to help each individual client achieve their goals during treatment.

It’s usually offered in an outpatient setting but can also be provided on an inpatient or partial hospitalization basis.

A mental health IOP program typically involves a team of professionals specializing in specific areas. These specialists will work together to create a program tailored to your needs based on their expertise and knowledge base.

Therapy specialists will create a plan for you to follow during your time at the facility. This might include combining services like therapy, medication management sessions with a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner, group meetings where people share experiences related to their conditions (for example, anxiety support groups), and educational classes about topics such as depression management skills training programs.

Participating in our Atlanta intensive outpatient program can give you:

  • Freedom to continue with work or school
  • A chance to remain close to home while getting help
  • Access to high-quality services
  • Group support
  • Reduced cost of treatment
  • Accountability

Learn more about our Atlanta-area mental health facilities.

A typical IOP begins with an assessment. When you reach out to us, our team will put together an individualized recommendation that meets your mental health goals. Most programs meet between three and five days per week, for three hours per day. We can make adjustments to the amount of time you receive treatment based on your needs and your personal progress.

When you start treatment, you’ll divide your time between a variety of therapy sessions. You will find time every week for individual and group therapy led by licensed therapists and professionals. In addition to things like cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy, we provide services such as:

  • Yoga
  • Music therapy
  • Red light therapy
  • Brain mapping
  • Life skills
  • Outdoor activities

What you receive during treatment will be specific to your strengths, weaknesses, and goals for your mental health. You’ll work with a team who can monitor your progress and provide recommendations for increased services, additional holistic modalities, or decreased levels of care.

Is IOP Right For Me?

Who is an Atlanta Mental Health IOP Good For?

It’s important to know your personal options for treatment when seeking help at our Atlanta area IOP program.

Mental illness is often incredibly complex. Therapy can help identify the cause of the mental illness and may even be used to develop a range of healthy coping mechanisms that can reduce episodes and symptoms.

Individuals who have completed a residential or partial hospitalization program for mental health and are looking to step down, or who are not experiencing severe mental health symptoms are the best fit for IOPs.

Ready for help? Time Wellness offers a state-of-the-art IOP treatment center.

High-Quality, Top-rated

Mental Health Treatment

Life Skills
Is IOP Right For Me?

Why Should I Attend an IOP in Atlanta?

Participating in an intensive outpatient program brings with it a multitude of benefits.
Increased insight into mental health issues:
You can share your experiences and learn from others in a group setting.
Improved coping skills:
Through the support of peers and staff members, you can develop healthy methods of dealing with personal issues that may be affecting your life or work performance.
Strengthened self-esteem:
Through participation in IOPs, clients learn how their own thoughts and beliefs affect their behavior, which allows them to make changes that improve their lives. They also gain self-confidence as they progress through treatment and begin functioning more effectively at home, school, or work.
Improved decision-making skills:
Through participation in IOPs, clients learn how to make better choices in their lives and are able to identify situations that may be harmful or risky. This helps them avoid the consequences of making poor decisions in the future.
Improved ability to make positive choices:

Clients in IOP programs learn how to make good decisions, which helps them avoid the negative consequences of poor coping mechanisms.

Improved physical health:
Clients who participate in IOPs tend to feel better physically as they work through their issues and begin taking better care of themselves.
Improved self-awareness:
With the help of staff members and peers, clients learn to see themselves more accurately. They can identify their strengths and weaknesses and work toward improving them.
Contact Time Wellness today to talk about our mental health continuum of care.

Mood Disorders

What We Treat

Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, Dysthymia

Anxiety Disorders

What We Treat

Panic Disorder, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive

Thought Disorders

What We Treat
Schizophrenia, Perseveration, Blocking
co-occurring disorders

Co-Occurring Disorders

What We Treat
Sex & Love, Gambling, Shopping
Time Wellness ATL Is Dedicated to Your Mental Health & Wellness

Our Mental Health IOP Program in Atlanta

Time Wellness Atlanta’s intensive outpatient program is here to help you.

Finding the right treatment for your needs can be difficult, but IOPs are one option that has proven effective time and again. They offer a safe environment where you can heal from trauma or mental illness while receiving care from professionals who understand what it’s like living with these issues every day of their lives. We understand how frightening it can be to start therapy, but Time Wellness is here to help you. We can connect you to therapists and care team members immediately, giving you the help you need.

Contact us today to learn more about our intensive outpatient program in Atlanta, Georgia.

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