Partial Hospitalization Program In Chattanooga, TN

Find out more about Time Wellness Center’s Partial Hospitalization Program in Chattanooga, TN and how we can help.

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The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates more than 1 in 5 adults in the US live with mental illness in any given year. Mental health disorders range in severity from mild to severe. No one needs to experience severe symptoms to seek help from a professional treatment center. Even mild symptoms can affect someone’s quality of life. Our partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga offers greater flexibility with treatment schedules, while also providing the help our clients deserve. 

group meets at partial program in Chattanooga TN
Partial Hospitalization Program

Outpatient Levels of Care in Chattanooga, TN

Embrace Hope and Healing: Comprehensive Mental Health Treatment for a Brighter Future

Time Wellness Center’s partial hospitalization program is a therapeutic treatment experience for individuals who require more than the traditional outpatient level of care but do not need the security of a locked unit or 24-hour care.

A partial hospitalization program can act as a bridge to help individuals transition from a residential inpatient setting to an outpatient setting for treatment. This program can also assist someone who is struggling to cope with their symptoms with outpatient therapy but does not require inpatient hospitalization. 

Our partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is designed to treat a variety of mental health disorders using an evidence-based approach and personalized treatment plans.

What is a Partial Day Program?

Navigating mental health struggles can be challenging. Especially when unsure where to seek assistance. It’s normal for emotions and moods to shift, but sometimes professional help is necessary. Traditional avenues of support may not be enough to relieve symptoms. The stigma around mental health often discourages seeking help. However, society’s view on mental health treatment has improved. Seeking help is a sign of courage and taking measures to improve quality of life.

Mental health treatment offers multiple levels of care. There are various options for addressing emotional and mental well-being, known as the mental health continuum of care. The continuum of care offers a range of services and programs to assist. To start, seek an evaluation from a qualified mental health professional. After assessment, specific services within the continuum of care will be suggested.

Individuals can start with the most intense level of care. The most intense level of care is inpatient residential care, where they reside at a facility and receive full-time treatment. The next level of care, a close alternative, is a partial hospitalization program (PHP). Based on individual progress, they can also step up or step down between levels of care. This step-down approach enables clients to receive the level of care they need most at any given time.

Our partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga provides a structured therapy schedule for several hours daily. Clients meet at the PHP mental health center Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. We also offer times on Saturdays as well. Clients can schedule their treatment during the day or in the afternoon.

Additionally, individuals with dual diagnosis who struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders and addiction can start their PHP mental health treatment within a few days following detoxification at a hospital when needed.

individual therapy during PHP in Chattanooga
Preparing for Treatment at Time Wellness Center

What to Expect From Our PHP in Chattanooga, TN

Mental health treatment at our partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga is designed for short-term care.

The purpose of a partial hospitalization program is to help you improve your mental health enough that you can transition into the lower levels of care, like intensive outpatient or traditional outpatient
Daily Schedule

Clients may or may not begin with a few overnight stays at a hospital during their treatment. Overnight hospitalization can be useful for people struggling with co-occurring addictions who need to detox.

Once clients begin the main portion of their mental health treatment at our partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga, they participate in a full day of individual and group therapy, skill building, and evaluations. At Time Wellness Center, our team consists of trained professionals and licensed healthcare staff members who are dedicated to each client’s healing and growth.

Unique Therapies

Scheduling often involves a variety of therapeutic services. At our facility, clients can expect to participate in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). Our DBT teaches clients to better control their emotions and improve their self-esteem and communication.

Similarly, CBT teaches clients to recognize negative automatic thought patterns that exacerbate symptoms of mental health disorders and lead to poor self-esteem. Over several weeks, with ongoing therapy sessions and homework, clients begin to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Also, we provide alternative methods like yoga, music, and art therapy. These group activities complement the individual therapy sessions clients have and are spread out throughout their daily schedules.

Explore Your Options

Our Tennessee Programs


Chattanooga, TN

Supportive housing in chattanooga & taft TN.
Supportive Housing

Chattanooga, TN

Experiential Therapy – COMING SOON

Chattanooga, TN

Knowing When It’s Time to Get Help

Do I Need a Partial Hospitalization Program in Chattanooga, TN?

When someone is seeking help for mental health, it can be difficult to figure out which level of care is most appropriate for their personal needs.

To help you with that, the professionals at our PHP center can answer questions and perform evaluations. This detailed assessment helps determine the level of care and services best suit each client’s needs and treatment goals.

Our partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga is designed for:

  • People whose mental health disorders have made it somewhat but not severely difficult to complete daily tasks, personal obligations, or work.
  • Individuals who are not at risk for self-harm and are medically stable but still need mental health treatment.
  • Those who have a support system at home with stable housing.
  • Clients who are ready to commit to a full-time schedule of therapy to treat symptoms of mental health disorders.

Don’t hesitate to seek help. Take action now and begin therapy with Time Wellness today. 

High-Quality, Top-rated

Mental Health Treatment

Life Skills
What We Treat

What Types of Mental Health Conditions Can Benefit from PHP?

There are more than 200 classified mental health disorders. Time Wellness partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga can be used to treat a variety of mental health disorders including:


Depression is the most common mental health disorder in the world. It affects nearly 50% of Americans. Our Chattanooga partial hospitalization mental health treatment program utilizes a combination of dialectical behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, red light therapy, outdoor therapy, music therapy, yoga, and more to provide coping skills. These coping skills can help clients identify triggers, replace harmful automatic Thoughts with positive alternatives, and control symptoms.


People with anxiety disorders can benefit from partial hospitalization. PHP provides medication management for acute symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder or panic disorders and ongoing coping skills for managing chronic symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder

Time Wellness Center’s partial hospitalization program provides individuals struggling with bipolar disorder with medication management and coping skills. The same techniques used for depression treatment can prove fruitful when applied to depressive episodes, and similar treatments can be used to address symptoms of manic episodes.

At Time Wellness, we understand that each client is different. Mental health disorders manifest with various symptoms, each varying in intensity. Similarly, mental health disorders can be caused by genetics, environment, or trauma. Therefore, our initial evaluation serves an important role in cultivating a personalized treatment plan.

Mood Disorders

What We Treat

Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, Dysthymia

Anxiety Disorders

What We Treat

Panic Disorder, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive

Thought Disorders

What We Treat
Schizophrenia, Perseveration, Blocking
co-occurring disorders

Co-Occurring Disorders

What We Treat
Sex & Love, Gambling, Shopping
Your Mental Health Matters to Us

Our PHP in Chattanooga is Here to Help

At Time Wellness, we know that every client has unique circumstances and mental health symptoms.

That’s why we remain committed to creating personalized mental health plans for each client’s needs.

When you reach out to our facility, we can help you determine which program services will most effectively treat the mental health disorder or disorders you struggle with.

Contact us today to learn more about our partial hospitalization program in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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