Mental Health Treatment

Family Program In Chattanooga, TN

We know that mental health disorders can impact family members as much as the person in treatment. Learn more about Time Wellness Center’s family program in Chattanooga, TN.

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therapist with clients during Chattanooga family program
Families & Mental Health

Help for Family Members

Family members of those with mental health disorders need help, too.

A crucial element of treatment for mental health conditions is finding a treatment center with a family program in Chattanooga, TN. Treatment for mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety disorders, can be most successful when supported by loved ones and friends, who have much to learn and share with their loved ones. 

Strengthening familiar relationships is a vital step in mental health treatment. Treatment is often more successful when a reliable support system is willing to educate themselves to become aware of mental health conditions and how to manage their mental health.

Our Treatment Programs

Available Family Programs in Mental Health Treatment

The family program in Chattanooga, TN, begins with individual counseling, family therapy, and group discussions. Each party in the treatment process has an individual goal-setting process to enter into. The support team must understand mental health disorders and how stigma affects their thinking processes and behaviors. Many programs teach communication and relationship skills that may have been missing from the family for generations.

When choosing a treatment center, be sure their family program offers flexibility to allow varying schedules and day and evening opportunities to participate in group sessions. The essential elements of how the mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stemming from trauma develop and can be affected by family and friends’ behaviors can deter future issues. Learning how to prioritize healthy thinking, behaviors, and actions while leading through modeling the newly learned relationship skills will be the best support system.

Family & Mental Health Treatment

Why is Family Support Necessary?

couple in family program meet with a therapist in Chattanooga

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers numerous essential factors that highlight the importance of family support during mental health treatment. The family who engages with the system for the best results and successful treatment also finds personal benefit in the program. Many people learn about generational beliefs, issues, and unspoken truths within their families that are life-changing for all the family members. Participation in our family program also helps to recognize familial and environmental triggers that affect their loved ones. 

While the benefits of our family program in Chattanooga, TN, are innumerable, many families are unaware of the genetic components of mental health. Family histories are full of mental health issues that were never focused on. Discussing mental health was often unacceptable; unfortunately, mental health problems were considered a weakness of the mind. These forms of stigma encourage harmful coping mechanisms and fear, which families who are unaware can unknowingly participate in. 

Our family program shows the loved one working hard in treatment and how much their family and friends are committed to supporting their efforts. Counseling, sharing emotions and feelings with other loved ones, and learning to be supportive are priceless and change people. Better communication and coping skills can be used daily and improve relationships at home, work, and in the community. In many situations, family member discover their case of depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress that was existing unaware. 

Treatment Programs

Our Family Program in Chattanooga, TN

Family programs help everyone heal together.

Our family program is an integrated whole-person approach, including evidence-based and new holistic therapies. The goal of treatment is to strengthen the body and the mind to manage their condition in the future. Working to build self-esteem, maintain self-care, and find self-confidence leads to feeling proud and staying hopeful and happy. Our family program allows each party to receive different, personal, and life-changing benefits. 

Our family program also welcomes phone interaction with our mental health professionals every two weeks. This program encourages transparency and understanding and gives insights into the loved one’s recovery from mental health issues. Knowledge is power; recovery is about regaining personal power over substance use and mental conditions. Every opportunity to communicate with family and address questions and concerns enhances the recovery process.

While every family is unique and faces specific challenges, caregivers and family members exposed to intense behaviors due to a mental health condition must also take care of themselves. Learning more about schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and how to manage them is vital to successful management and connection with loved ones. Being familiar with therapies that relieve symptoms is imperative to offer supportive encouragement. Our family program offers many avenues to become essential caregivers and support.

Time Wellness Treatment

The Family Support Group

Families are stronger when they recovery together.

family in a group therapy session in Chattanooga, TN

Group therapy is a proven, evidence-based therapy for those with similar exposure to mental health conditions. Even more beneficial is the attendance of alumni family members who have either attended treatment themselves or are family members of those who have. Sharing truth in experience with others just beginning the treatment process offers hope and encouragement. This interaction lessens the fear factor for the future and offers the opportunity to open up and gain acceptance of mental health conditions. 

Building a support community for the supporters is vital. Our family program in Chattanooga, TN, works to create a judgment-free environment to encourage openness and conversation. This type of group therapy teaches vulnerability is not a weakness but a building block to build trust in relationships. Sharing similar experiences benefits the entire group and is an invaluable tool in recovery.

Mental Health Recovery

Benefits of Our Family Program in Chattanooga

How our family program improves the outcomes for everyone involved.

Continuing education can lead to a wealth of knowledge in new wellness concepts and therapy options from mental health professionals. The family and support system learn that the family program helps individuals examine their thought processes and behaviors. Everyone involved with those experiencing mental health issues needs healing and understanding. Families supporting a loved one with a mental health condition need to find consistency and peace of mind to feel secure. 

Education on medications needed to manage mental health is a preventative measure that can avert developing a substance use disorder. Understanding how holistic therapies can carry over into life after treatment, such as yoga and mindfulness, art and music therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. After the completion of treatment, the educated family support system can encourage the continuation of these practices after they possess a complete understanding of their importance. Education is an invaluable tool for any support system. 

couple makes breakthrough during family program in Chattanooga, TN
Helping Families During Treatment

Explore the Benefits of Our Family Program in Chattanooga, TN

We’re here for everyone affected by mental health disorders.

At Time Wellness in Chattanooga, TN, the mental health professionals are diligently working to offer the best support systems for the family of our patients. We are proud of the development of this program that reestablishes connections between family and friends with those who are struggling with a mental illness. Those entering treatment for mental illness need to feel secure that they are not alone. Likewise, families must realize that other families are experiencing similar situations and need help.

We invite those seeking help to contact us to hear more about our center.

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