Chattanooga Outpatient Mental Health Program

Learn more about Time Wellness Center’s outpatient mental health treatment program in Chattanooga and find out why we are your best choice for outpatient mental health treatment.

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outpatient therapy session in Chattanooga, TN
Time Wellness Outpatient Mental Health Program

Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Get high-quality mental health treatment and return home each day.

Outpatient mental health treatment refers to a program that requires no overnight stay, unlike residential treatment. Because the severity of mental health concerns varies so significantly, the best treatment option for one individual might not be appropriate for another. Fortunately, at Time Wellness Center, we offer various mental health treatment options during our Chattanooga outpatient program to meet a range of unique clinical needs. 

Visit our admissions page today for more information on how to get started with us.

Mental Health Levels of Care

What is Outpatient Treatment?

Outpatient mental health treatment provides people with various effective mental health treatment services in a flexible level of clinical care. For some, outpatient treatment serves as a step-down level of care once residential mental health treatment has been completed. For others, Chattanooga outpatient serves as a stand-alone treatment option. 

Clients live at home during outpatient treatment and attend several hours of intensive mental health therapy each day their treatment group meets. Some individuals require outpatient treatment Monday through Friday. Others only require 2 or 3 days of treatment to manage their mental health symptoms effectively. Generally speaking, the more severe the associated symptoms are, the more a person will benefit from an intensive, high-commitment program. 

Outpatient mental health treatment is not right for everyone. However, it is an ideal option for people struggling with mild, moderate, or severe mental health symptoms who have financial restrictions or personal obligations they cannot step away from for weeks at a time. To learn more, reach out to us directly. 

What To Expect From Outpatient Treatment

What is Outpatient Mental Health Treatment?

client and therapist in outpatient treatment in Chattanooga

Time Wellness Center offers structured mental health outpatient services to clients with primary mental health concerns. We treat various common mental health conditions, ranging from mild to severe. Our main priority is equipping our clients with the life skills and coping mechanisms they need to thrive in their day-to-day lives.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) states:

Structured outpatient provides a comprehensive treatment experience. These programs have detailed schedules that use a variety of therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, group process therapy, and even holistic practices, like yoga or meditation.

Structured outpatient involves more treatment hours as well. While traditional outpatient sessions may take place once a week and last around an hour, structured outpatient lasts anywhere from six to 35 hours each week. Clients often attend structured outpatient programs three to five days each week.

Is Outpatient Treatment Right For Me?

How can a person successfully determine whether outpatient mental health treatment in Chatanooga is right for them? Outpatient treatment is a good option for people who:

  • Have ample support in their current living situations.
  • Have been treated for a mental health concern in the past.
  • Are looking to manage mental health symptoms while continuing with their everyday lives.
  • Are working full or part-time or have other personal responsibilities they cannot easily step away from entirely.
  • Are looking for additional support as they navigate a mental health concern.
Explore Your Options

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Mental Health Outpatient Treatment Options in Chattanooga

Our outpatient program can help treat a number of mental health disorders through personalized care & treatment plans.

At Time Wellness Center, a Chattanooga outpatient mental health treatment facility, clients have access to a personalized program of clinical care that typically involves:

  • Individual and group psychotherapy
  • Medication management services
  • Evidence-based therapeutic modalities
  • Music therapy
  • Yoga & mindfulness meditation
  • Red light therapy
  • Life skills training & education
  • Brain mapping
  • Art therapy
  • Outdoor activities
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Family therapy & programming

Outpatient treatment looks different for everyone. While some people might be able to manage symptoms of an underlying mental health disorder with 2-3 hours of weekly therapy, others might require up to 5 hours of treatment per day. Duration of care depends on the unique clinical needs of the individual client. Contact us directly for more information. 

Conditions Mental Health Outpatient Can Help Treat

At Time Wellness, our outpatient mental health programs effectively treat a variety of mental health concerns, including:

  • Depression 
  • Anxiety Disorders (including Panic Disorder) 
  • Bipolar Disorder 
  • Schizophrenia 
  • Unresolved Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Personality Disorders 

The most effective treatment options for an individual depend on the type of mental health condition they are afflicted with. Fortunately, we offer a full suite of treatment options, including individual therapy, group therapy, yoga and mindfulness, life skills training, and a range of evidence-based therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). 

Mood Disorders

What We Treat

Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, Dysthymia

Anxiety Disorders

What We Treat

Panic Disorder, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive

Thought Disorders

What We Treat
Schizophrenia, Perseveration, Blocking
co-occurring disorders

Co-Occurring Disorders

What We Treat
Sex & Love, Gambling, Shopping
High-Quality, Top-rated

Mental Health Treatment

Life Skills
Time Wellness Center for Mental Health

Benefits of Chattanooga Outpatient Treatment

peer support group meets during Chattanooga outpatient program

Outpatient mental health treatment in Chattanooga, Tennessee, provides multiple benefits for people who want to maintain their independence while utilizing a solid support system. Outpatient programs offer significant flexibility and personal freedom while providing clients with the tools and resources to manage their symptoms effectively.

Benefits of Chattanooga outpatient treatment include:

  • Flexibility — At Time Wellness Centers, we offer flexible treatment hours so that our clients can undergo treatment in the morning, afternoon, or evening based on their needs. The time obligation is much more limited than in partial hospitalization or residential programs. This makes it easier for individuals to get the care they need without disrupting their everyday lives.

  • Ongoing Support — Outpatient care gives clients access to an ongoing support network. Some people participate in outpatient mental health treatment after completing a residential program, while others begin with an outpatient plan.

  • The Development of Healthy Coping Skills — Our outpatient mental health treatment equips clients with coping skills to integrate into their daily lives. The ability to participate in weekly sessions and return home allows clients hands-on experience, applying the techniques they learn in each session and processing successes and challenges with their therapeutic group and individual therapist.

  • Affordability and Accessibility — Outpatient mental health treatment is more affordable than residential programs, which makes it a viable option for people with limited insurance coverage and financial options.
Find Your Light at Time Wellness Center

Outpatient Treatment Designed for You

Mental health treatment that focuses on your personal needs.

At Time Wellness, we understand that mental health treatment is not a one-size-fits-all process. Every client has unique mental health symptoms, and the most effective treatment options are highly individualized. For this reason, we remain committed to creating personalized mental health plans to address each client’s needs carefully.

Contact us today to learn more about our Chattanooga outpatient mental health treatment program.


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